Standard Terms & Conditions

Last Modified: Jan 31, 2022
1. Addresses / Reconsignment on Delivery:
Packages and shipping documents must show the complete delivery address including postal code. The ‘Bill of lading’ will have precedence over labels or information provided over the phone or online. GX will not be held liable for additional costs incurred as a result of a discrepancy.
All International destinations (including the US) must show phone numbers with area code.
GX Cannot deliver to P.O. Boxes. In the case of a rural route address, the complete name and telephone number must also be included with the address (A rural route delivery fee may apply). GX will not be responsible or held liable for service delays due to improper or incomplete delivery information.
Reconsignment on delivery / Address Change: - “$40 minimum to be applied when a different address is requested to be updated after the shipment is already in transit – final charges to be assessed at the time of occurrence”.
2. After Hours / Weekend Charge
Orders requiring pick up or delivery on weekends or after regular business hours (between 6 pm and 7 am) are subject to a minimum charge of $250.00.
3. Appointments:
Any shipment where the carrier is required to make delivery or pick-up at a specific time/ date shall be considered an appointment and subject to a $36.75 surcharge. This charge applies when a shipment requires:
a) a specific appointment time of delivery or pick up;
b) notification of a shipment to deliver or pick-up, or "call ahead" to consignee or shipper to advise of delivery or pick up.
c) delivery during a specified range of time that minimizes the delivery or pick up window to less than 6 hours (regular business hours are considered between 8am - 5pm local time)
d) after hours / weekend appointments that occur after 6 pm or before 7 am may be subject to a minimum charge of $250.00.
The bill of lading or any shipping document must have a notation requesting an appointment, the prearranged time of delivery or a specified range of time and a valid contact telephone number. The charge also applies if requested by the consignee. GX will perform the delivery on a best efforts basis and will not be liable for any consequential damages, costs, and/or fines as a result of shipment delay.
NOTE: In addition to the charge in this item, a shipment may be subject to the applicable charge for storage when the appointment time exceeds 24 hours after the initial communication is made.
4. Attempted Pick Up
If no freight is available at the time of pick up, this will be charged at a minimum of $90.00 subject to an increase. This can occur when:
- Shipper requests p/u at another time
- No answer at shippers place of business
- The customer requested we pick up at another address instead
Access to the loading area at the time of pick up was restricted
5. Carbon Tax
A 1% carbon tax will be applied to the freight rates for any shipment that is picked up, delivered or travels through the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia or Newfoundland.
6. Claims:
GX shall not be liable for loss or damage, unless the person entitled to delivery sends in writing/email or by fax setting out the origin, destination, date of the shipment of the cargo, and the estimated amount claimed for the loss or damage, within the time limits prescribed below. Receipt of cargo without complaint will be regarded as proof that the cargo was delivered in good condition. For damaged cargo, a written request for inspection must be made within 48 hours of delivery. As a condition of considering any such claim, the original shipping cartons and packaging must be available for inspection. Claims under $100.00 per shipment will not be processed, and the standard value for all shipments damaged in transit is $2.00/lb.
a) Domestic Air Shipment:
The person entitled delivery must notify GX in writing or by fax in the case of:
i. Visible damage to the goods, immediately after discovery of the damage and at the latest within 7 days from receipt of the goods;
ii. Concealed damage to the goods; within 48 hours of receipt of the goods;
iii. Non-delivery of the goods, within 60 days from the date of issue of the Air Waybill;
b) International Air shipment:
The person entitled to delivery must notify GX of a claim based on loss or damage to the shipment within 7 days of receipt of the cargo.
c) Ground Shipment:
For a claim based on loss or damage, notice must be given within thirty (30) days after delivery of the goods; for a claim based on non-delivery, notice must be given within nine (9) months from the date of shipment. The final statement of the claim must be filed within nine (9) months from the date of the shipment, together with a copy of the paid freight bill.
* It is the shipper's responsibility to make all reasonable efforts to package/prepare the shipment to be secured from shifting in transit. If additional steps are required by the carrier to secure the freight from shifting in transit this should be arranged in advance and agreed upon in writing, charges may apply for these additional services.
*GX is liable only for the value of the goods at the time of shipping. GX is not liable for overhead expenses, lost profits, administration fees, production downtime, etc.
*GX’s liability is restricted to $2.00 / lb unless additional insurance is declared – see ‘Valuation Charge’.
*Shipments must be checked by the carrier’s delivering pro bill and not the packing slip.
*Please note: GX will not act on any claim until all transportation charges have been paid.
7. Cube/Density/Linear Space:
Unless otherwise stated, rates listed in the GX tariff and any GX rate quotation are subject to a minimum density application of 15 pounds per cubic foot to determine the dimensional or chargeable weight. Shipments moving to Western Canada via expedited or rail service are subject to 20 pounds per cubic foot to determine the dimensional or chargeable weight. Rates will be applied on the actual weight or the dimensional or chargeable weight if it exceeds the actual weight.
If due to the nature or packaging of a shipment it is not feasible to load on top of or next to it, the space occupied shall be considered to include the unusable space above or beside such shipment. Non-stackable skids with height of 49" or greater will be cubed to full height of 96".
1000 pounds per linear foot will be used for shipments occupying 10’ or more of trailer space calculating the chargeable weight at 1000 pounds per linear foot for space used.
8. Currency:
Unless otherwise stated rates are expressed in Canadian funds.
9. Customs Clearance:
GX does not perform customs clearance duties, however, we can recommend this service through our partner customs broker. GX reserves the right to bill for any additional charges for customs/border delays due to incorrect paperwork.
Bond charges for load put in Bond; minimum $150 plus $75/day until cleared.
Border crossing fee to be applied for each transborder shipment of $25 Cdn.
10. Dangerous Goods:
LTL shipments moving under the regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act will be applied with a minimum of $36.75 surcharge for Ground Service and $75.00 for Air Service within Canada. Please contact to obtain pricing/availability.
11. Drop Trailer / Spot Trailer:
A minimum fee of $150 plus an applicable fuel surcharge will be applied to cover the cost of dropping a trailer at a customer site at the customer’s request. Trailer to be picked up within 24 hours or Detention fee (#34) will be applied. If no transportation is provided (ie: storage trailer - must be stated in advance) then another $150 will be applied to pick up at a later date. An additional daily fee of $25 will be applied each day the trailer is left at the customer’s facility until the trailer is picked up including the day of pick up. Long-term trailer storage will be billed at $500 per month or as quoted based on current market conditions.
12. Exhibitions/Fairs/Trade Shows:
Pick-up and delivery will be performed at trade shows, conventions, fairs, etc., at the following surcharge of $6.50 per 100 lbs with a minimum charge of $100.00 per shipment.
13. Fuel Surcharge:
LTL & TL Fuel surcharge fluctuates with the cost of crude oil and will be in accordance with the FCA & International freight associations. TL is defined as any shipment where the actual or cubed weight is greater than 10,000 pounds.
14. Hand-bomb / Driver Assist Service:
$75.00 for the first 30 cartons plus excess waiting time if required. Cross Border Hand-bomb Service will not be provided unless pre-approved by GX.
15. Heated Service:
Up to 19,999 lb 20% of freight charges, minimum charge $40.00. 20,000 lb and over – 15% of freight charges, minimum charge $250.00.
16. Interruption of Service:
GX will not be liable for any consequence of an interruption of service caused by acts of God, strikes, lockouts, labour disputes or weather-related delays.
17. In-bond Admin Fee
In-bond shipments are subject to an administrative fee of $150 per shipment when payment is made on behalf of customer. This fee is in addition to any extra charges incurred at bonded warehouse, e.g. bond charges, transportation charges, storage charges, etc.;
18. Late Pickup Fee:
Shipments called in after 2 pm for pick up the same day may be subject to a $50.00 surcharge if we are able to accommodate.
19. Long Freight Handling Surcharge:
Shipments containing freight that are 10 feet in length or more are subject to the Long Freight Handling surcharge of $90.
20. NAV:
A fluctuating surcharge will apply on all air shipments – for current info please contact our rates department at or by calling 1-877-740-3940.
21. Newfoundland Fuel Tax Recovery Surcharge:
Shipments moving to and/or intra-Newfoundland & Labrador will be subject to the following Surcharge: 1% of freight charge, maximum $40.00/order.
22. Newfoundland Geographical Surcharge or Remote areas:
Due to uncontrollable costs to GX and to maintain our high level of service a cost recovery surcharge will be applied to all shipments destined to Newfoundland & Labrador. A charge will be assessed at 8.9% and $435 on truckload moves. Remote areas may also be subject to additional charges.
23. Payment Terms:
Net 21 days.
24. Per Mile Pricing/Stop off pricing:
All per mile pricing is calculated from the point of pick up to the point of delivery using the ‘most practical route’ in PC Miler, including one delivery. Additional deliveries will be assessed a drop charge of $75.00 per drop. Delivery times will be subject to the “WAITING TIME’ guidelines listed within this document.
Spot quotes are based on Equipment Availability and subject to the terms and conditions listed herein.
26. Re-delivery:
Should a second delivery be required as a result of the consignees' refusal or inability to accept freight as scheduled, this will be charged at a minimum of $90.00 to a maximum of current applicable freight rates.
27. Residential/2nd Floor Deliveries / Construction sites:
Shipments that require special handling, due to location (i.e.: final placement of goods is more than 60’ from the back of the trailer) will incur a minimum charge of $84.00. This charge includes, but is not limited to the following: Business operating out of residences, apartments, farms, schools and any locations with limited access (ex: storage units, golf & country clubs, churches, construction sites and rural route locations). Please contact to obtain pricing/availability
28. Refrigerated Services:
15% of freight charges with a $150 min per day or subject to equipment availability/costs fluctuation at the time of shipping.
29. Service Levels (listed in order of speed):
- AIR (domestic or international)
- DIRECT (pick up and delivered directly – applied to same days called in after 11 am for delivery on the same day by 5 pm)
- SAME DAY (available for pick up prior to 11 am to deliver on the same day by 5 pm)
- EXPEDITED (Can be 'Single' and/or 'Team' driver service - example: Western Canada)
- REGULAR (standard transit time)
- RAIL ( our most economical choice used for Western Canada destinations - generally 1 day longer than regular)
*Please see the "Service Calculator" for exact transit times using your origin and destination.
a) All shipments will be sent via a ‘REGULAR’ service if no specific service or delivery date is selected/written on the corresponding bill of lading.
b) If a ‘required delivery date’ is written on the bill of lading, the appropriate level of service will be provided to meet the delivery date stated. The shipper will be responsible for the corresponding transportation charges.
c) If both the required delivery date and service level are stated on the bill of lading resulting in a conflict, the required delivery date will over-ride any service selected. The shipper will be responsible for the corresponding transportation charges based on the delivery date stated.
30. Shrink Wrap Fee:
When requested, this will be assessed at $5.00 per skid to shrink wrap.
31. Shunting Fee:
When requested, this service will be provided at $70.00 per hour/trailer.
32. Single Shipment Fee
A minimum charge of $95.00 will be applied when a single shipment is picked up from a shipper, unaccompanied by any other shipment from the same location, and the minimum transportation charge is less than $95.00. This fee is not inclusive of Fuel Surcharge, applicable taxes or accessorial fees.
33. Skid Rates (Parameters):
Skid rates are based on a 4’(L) x 4’(W) skid spot with a maximum of 1,800 pounds per skid. Skids exceeding these dimensions or weight will be rated in the next category.
34. Storage
Shipments requiring storage will be allotted 24 hours of free time. After 24 hours, shipments will be billed at $5.00/pallet, per day. Minimum Charge: $58.00
35. Storage - Detention of Containers/Trailers
- Dry: First 24 hours are free, $150.00 per day for dry vans (rail containers can be subject to a higher amount as levied by the rail lines).
- Temperature Controlled: 24 hours free, $225/day for the first 4 chargeable days after 24 hours and $300/day for subsequent days.
- Storage trailers (non-road worthy) can be provided at a reduced amount of $25 per day or longer-term at $500 per month or as quoted based on market conditions (drop trailer fees will apply - see item #11).
36. Tailgate Delivery:
Pick ups or deliveries requiring a power tailgate will be assessed a charge of $3.00 per /cwt with a minimum of $63.00 and a maximum of $168.00.
37. Tax:
All shipments are subject to applicable taxes.
38. Valuation Charge:
Standard valuation for lost or damaged product will be honored at $2.00 per lb (Cdn). Please contact your GX sales representative or for valuation required in excess of $2.00 per lb.
39. Waiting Time:
Pick-ups and deliveries are allotted time-based on the shipment size. The following allowances will be permitted and the excess time will be charged at $22.50 per quarter hour or part thereof.
- 1 – 10 skids = 30 minutes free time per pick up or delivery
- 11 skids + or DIRECT service = 1-hour free time per pick up or delivery
- Please note; that an additional LOSS LOAD FEE of $300 will apply to any waiting time that exceeds 90 minutes for cost recovery purposes.
40. High-Risk Commodities:
GX shall accept the following commodities only at the shipper’s risk. Any declared value amount shall be considered null and void. The acceptance for carriage by GX of any high-risk commodity shipment bearing a declared value will not constitute a waiver of this provision.
- Aircraft parts (unpackaged)
- Alcoholic beverages / Tobacco
- Antiques
- Artwork including but not limited to statuary, fossils, artifacts, models, paintings, drawings, tapestries, limited edition prints
- Boat or Boat parts (unpackaged)
- Confectionery products such as potato chips in any form, chocolate in any form, pastries and baked goods in any form
- Furs
- Gambling devices
- Glass products including but not limited to porcelains, ceramics, china, fluorescent tubes, neon lighting, neon signs, x-ray tubes, laser tubes, light bulbs and any other commodity with similar fragile qualities
- Household goods/personal effects
- Human remains
- Live plants/animals
- Liquids
- Meats/fruits/vegetables (fresh or frozen)
- Jewelry including but not limited to watches, gem and stones (precious or semi-precious), industrial diamonds
- Money, currency bonds, bills of exchange, deeds, promissory notes, negotiable securities, stock certificates
- Musical instruments, customized or personalized
- Original manuscripts or electronic data including but not limited to tenders, bids, legal documents
- Postage, trading, or revenue stamps and stamp collections
- Used merchandise/machinery
- Those items that are prohibited by law but which are tendered and accepted by carriage
- Any items requiring temperature control
- Items longer than 8ft (air) 10ft (ground)